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Heavy Equipment Operator Training: Student Participant Guide (2012)

Heavy Equipment Operator Training: Student Participant Guide (2012)

This program was developed to provide instruction to Heavy Equipment Operators who are pursuing a certificate of qualification in the operation of one or more types of heavy equipment. The HEO program was initially developed by the BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association to address the shortage of skilled workers in the heavy construction industry. Logging endorsements were later included through the Logging Workers Training Needs Committee (LWTNC) to meet the needs of the logging industry. In-school technical training combines classroom theory and hands-on practical lab work - preparing participants for further training in the field.

The HEO program consists of two phases.

  • Phase one is a 160 hour in-school overview and practical lab experience of the operating principles for heavy equipment. Participants will take part in classroom sessions reinforced by exposure to each type of equipment including some "practical seat time" on at least four types. Successful completion of Phase one is measured by attendance, active participation, in-class assignments, including exams and pass/fail basic practical competency labs while operating equipment.
  • Phase two offers participants a choice. It is during this phase that participants can select the piece(s) of heavy equipment for which they will receive an endorsement. A Certificate of Qualification will be issued to those who successfully complete both phases. Note thatendorsement is required on a minimum of one piece of equipment. Endorsement hours vary by equipment type and will range from 200 to 600 hours. Participants will be issued a logbook in which specific tasks are "signed off" and seat time is tracked and recorded.

The endorsement phase may be completed entirely as on-the-job training under the supervision of a sponsoring employer or may also include some formal operator training offered by one or more training organizations or schools. More information regarding the HEO program and its certification requirements can be found at .

This publication is also available in a digital format. For details Click Here.

$117.78 Each
BC Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association & Industry Training Authority
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Publish Date:
February 8, 2012
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